Sunday, August 24, 2008
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Does This Finally Mark a Trend?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer slaying church attendance among women, study claims - Telegraph
Certainly this comes as no surprise to most reasonable people. The fact is simply this, Christianity is becoming irrelevant! And it's becoming more so with time. It's the world's new religion, being only a couple thousand years old. It's the new-kid on the block -- a bully really -- with too many rules, and too many regulations, mostly about things that are a natural part of man's own divinity.
Any religion that comes on board claiming that all those religions before it are wrong should be looked upon with great suspicion.
As far as Buffy is concerned: you go girl!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Common Sense Warns Of Christians Causing Trouble Over Our Holidays
We would do well to learn a lesson from this article, as well as the backward-ass, teachings of the Christian orthodoxy, and let common sense come through in the counter argument, "That as sane, thinking humans graced by the Gods, they've honored us with the gift of common sense, warning us about the dangers of dabbling in Christianity..."
Friday, January 11, 2008
Mayor Jim Schmitt of Green Bay Succumbs to His Own Religious Bigotry
That's a nice way of saying, "We have our nativity scene in place now, so the rest of you can go away." It's not a quote, but it might as well be.
This may be old news, back at about mid-December, but I can guarantee you it's not over. Is it just a simple case of religious bigotry? Is it the even more common problem of the good folk of Green Bay voting truly incompetent people into positions of power? Or does it go even deeper than that?
Does the mayor's dedication to the proponents of Green Bay's government-sponsored nativity scene smack of something a little more, ... sinister? Probably not; right? Of course, why would a man in high, public office risk position and reputation by perpetrating a clearly unconstitutional show of crossing the line separating church and state? Could it be, ... for services rendered? Spiritual, of course.
As one would just about have to be cloistered not to have heard all the charges made against the Green Bay diocese -- charges of rampant sexual abuse perpetrated by its holier-than-thou priests. Oh; excuse me; I should say "allegations" of rampant sexual abuse -- at least until the guilty verdict is read.
A truly righteous man would declare a moratorium against sexually abusing children, not holding the alleged perpetrators up in praise by not only displaying their nativity scene above all others, but by denying the spiritually righteous their comparatively minimal displays. I challenge you to find one article about a Buddhist monk being charged with molestation. I challenge you to produce one expose about the Wiccan priest or priestess who either sexually offended or molested a student.
Finally, the real insult ladled onto injury is that this is not even a Christian holiday! I'll give you this, that the day Christians might choose to call Christmas is indeed a celebration of their Christ's birth, but biblical scholars agree, without argument, that his birthday would not be December 25'th! Rather he be born well into the new year, or in November, or in May. That this cooption of the pagan, religious celebration of the birth of the sun god is done at the expense of cheating the pagan-faithful out of their own, true holiday.
Now we know that the Christian's fear of losing power drove them to deny their own savior his real birthday -- there can be no argument there. But what's the mayor's excuse?
Green Bay Press-Gazette - Green Bay mayor declares moratorium on holiday displays