Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Woman & Man Raped; Judge Punishes Victims
In a move I can only compare to the kind of insanity that comes from the offspring of inter-species sex -- that or a medieval, fundamentalist, wacko religion-based, [il]legal system -- the judge sentenced the victims to 90 lashes! And then in a second fit of madness, the judge increased the woman's sentence to 200 and 6 months jail time!
So that's it; yes? No! Then he revokes their lawyer's license to practice.
The reason, you ask? "Illegal Mingling." That's right, let me say it again: illegal mingling -- or in this case, traveling in an automobile with a man (or woman) to whom you're not married. And that sentence is handed down by a supposed judge! Where was the "mingling police" when judgy-wudgy was behind the barn with a couple of goats?
And with a sentence like that, for that reason, delivered against 2 people who were just brutally gang-raped, don't even suggest I've gone too far. This type of Islamic law, this type of tyrannical Islam is as perverted as perversion can get. This type of perversion should be stamped out. If it is against this kind of utter perversion that our war-dollars are being spent, then you can count me for more.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
In God We Trust?

Living in Indiana, I see this everywhere these days. A while back -- not really certain how long ago really -- but the state sanctioned at dark blue license plate with the large white words, "In God We Trust" written on them. And though I am not 100% certain of this next statement, I do believe we -- the tax payers -- fund a large percentage of these plates because they can be purchased as the least expensive of all the vanity plates.
I really do not like these plates! Besides for all the other reasons a partially persecuted pagan would dislike the idea of these plates, they really highlight the incredible stupidity of many of the vehicle operators who choose to display them. Really? ... you ask. Well, here's an example.
This morning I was traveling on a major highway, on my way to work, when a 40-something woman cuts me off, pulling wildly out of her stopped line of traffic only to swerve out of control into mine, causing me to have to make the decision to either take her life by driving over top of her vehicle, or to swerve myself, hopefully not cutting someone else off in the process. When order returned to the situation, everyone was miraculously safe. So, you might ask, how was I greeted by the woman whose life was spared by my expert driving and a lot of luck?
She flipped me the bird! Not only did she flip me the old proverbial bird, but in her rear-view mirror I could read her overly collagen-enhanced lips as they mouthed some of the most vile words. And just as the memory of the situation was beginning cool, I could plainly see her license plate, that tax-payer supported, constitutionally questionable license plate, saying "In God We Trust"
And though not proud of it, I couldn't help but to say to myself, though aloud, "Typical christian!"
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Just Say "No!" - Heaven Forbid
Now there are some who would have you believe that it's a direct result of cutbacks in sex-education in the public schools. Then it would have to be, as there's never been any sex-education classes in parochial schools, and there certainly hasn't been a flood of public-school students defecting to Christian schools.
Then again, there's the other argument -- that cutbacks in public education spending has produced millions of teenagers that neither understand what it is nor can they spell it -- chlamydia, that is.
And gonorrhea; now that was popular in my day. But it got too popular, and too easy to get that shot of penicillin. Some more understanding physicians would even dispense the "weekender shot," as a just-in-case treatment plan. But then things began to change, and the usual dose had to be increased to a massive dose, as the disease began to morph into something that became increasingly difficult to treat. But through education, gonorrhea finally became almost rare in this country. Until recently. It too is now on the rise. And remember I mentioned how it was becoming more difficult to treat? We now have strains that defy the normal protocols of treatment.
And who of you out there remember Syphilis? Sure; just what I thought. You see, they used to teach us about Syphilis and Gonorrhea, in school. They taught us what they were, how you contract them, how to prevent them, and most importantly, how devastating they can be to those who contract them, and to those they transmit them to.
I wish we could know how many of our tax dollars were saved by bending to the influence of those crazy, Christian, right-wing whack-o's that help push this kind of stupid legislation through the system. We can only hope that the amount saved will cover the costs of disease: long treatment protocols for resistant strains; the congenitally scarred and deformed children of the misinformed; and the blind and/or demented casualties of a misguided policy
Of course, if it gets too expensive, they have a backup plan:
Just Say No!